Hi, and welcome to the blog for Bellevue Parks & Community Services. This is a discussion for and about the City of Bellevue’s parks and open space system and the community services and programs offered by Bellevue Parks & Community Services.
This blog acts as one way for Bellevue parks users to communicate their ideas for the long-range development of the parks system. Your comments will help the City of Bellevue update a long-range management plan. This plan projects ten years ahead and sets a direction for future development of parks and open space. It also considers the design and balance of programs and services supported by the department and how those may change over time to meet community needs.
The City cannot plan for the future without hearing from the people who use our services and perhaps more importantly, people who currently do not use our services. So, I would appreciate your participation and opinions on the topics being discussed.
Here’s how it works. From now until the end of 2009, I will post entries focused on a specific topic related to parks, recreation or community services in Bellevue. With every post, you will be invited to comment on that topic. All comments received will be recorded and considered as we develop our long-range planning goals. In addition to this blog, public input will be gathered in other ways as well – through surveys, presentations to community groups and other methods. Whenever a new opportunity to become involved comes up – I will post the details here.
As you consider what comments you would like to make, keep in mind that this blog will be a little more formal than most. It will be moderated. That means that you are free (and encouraged) to comment either positively or negatively, but all comments must be directly related to the post to which they are attached and all the normal rules of civility apply. Comments that don’t meet these criteria will not be posted. When you do submit your comment, don’t be alarmed if it isn’t posted immediately. As with all moderated discussions, there will be a time delay. Also, new topics will be introduced just a couple times a month, so I’d suggest subscribing to the feeds from this site so that you don’t have to check back looking for new content. If you subscribe, when something new comes up you’ll get an alert.
And finally – what if the topic you want to discuss isn’t raised? Well, you have two choices. You can leave your idea as a comment on the post entitled “What should we talk about?” or e-mail me your idea directly. To e-mail me, click on the Camron @ Bellevue Parks link under the Contributor tab at the right.